Saturday, April 3, 2010

Good Friday in Antigua

what an amazing day of sights. In two days we saw a somewhat sleepy town turn into a packed religious celebration. Processions, of which multiple occur simultaneously, are 12 hour affairs,
each one depicting a different event in the last few days of christ. Last night Marcia and I went to the central cathedral to witness the main event. there were thousands and thousands of people packed into the the central park across the way holding a candlelight vigil, and the grand procession with a float that was probably 60 feet in length, carried by probably 100 or so men in black robes. Proceeding the float were hundreds more men in black robes each with large incense burners making for an intense fog that we were thankful the wind was blowing away from us. Hard to describe using this incredibly dirty and not functioning very well keyboard but when we return there will be more pics posted. Lastly, all along the parade route were marvelously created ¨carpets¨ made by families whose homes are on the route made of mostly sawdust, flowers, fruits that are trampled and then quickly swept up after the procession passes by a cleaning crew. Incredible.

We leave tomorrow morning for Guate, as they call Guatemala City here, and the aeropuerto for our return trip to Seattle via Dallas.



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