Monday, March 8, 2010

Uspantan here we come! Click on the image to enlarge

We've finally been notified of our build location. Uspantan, Department of Quiche, Guatemala. Uspantan is in the central highlands, approximately 6000' elevation so nights will be chilly and days will be warm.

This is the closest weather report site I've found, Coban, about 30 miles away and 1000' or so lower.

View an interactive map here.

See another travel guide here.

We will arrive in Guatemala City on Saturday the 20th. On the morning of the 21st we will travel to Uspantan via Chichicastenango where we will have a short time to experience the market. As far as I can tell the mini-bus trip should take us 6-8 hours. Once in Uspantan we look forward to meeting the family whose home we will help build and the Guatemala Habitat staff we will be working with. Monday morning the work begins!

The plan for some of us is to travel to Lanquin to see the caves and Semuc Champey on our first free weekend for some R&R. I'm sure we'll be ready for some fun after laboring in the trenches. Who knows, maybe we'll even take in a river raft trip on the Cahabon.


  1. This sounds like it will be a fabulous & productive trip! It would be great to see a map of where y'all are heading to on this blog (maybe as a part of this post).

  2. I am excited for all of you! Have a wonderful trip. My best to Jan and Melinda as well.

  3. Mel, Look forward to hearing stories next time we share a pint. Thanks for representing us in Guatemala. Stephen

  4. Hola Habitat Group!
    Sounds like you are having a great time! I'm trying to reach Joe Knight and find out if he was able to bring a red suitcase for my friend Madriel to Guatemala. Both Hotel Santorini and Hotel Espanola say they do not have and never received a suitcase for his family to pick up, and we need to make sure that is true. I'm hoping the suitcase is still at Joe's house in Seattle, but it would help to know before contacting the hotels again with more pressure. Could you please ask Joe or Jesse to write to Melanie and let us know?
    Thanks for any help you can give,
    Melanie Shelton
